How the Christian Church in America is Failing Men – A Wake-up Call

Thank you for receiving this unique gift.  I should warn you this eBooklet does not contain ‘light’ reading.  Rather, you will find a highly disruptive series of messages from the heart of God to His people in the body of Christ concerning men.  Some would direct their ire or disdain at me for such an affront, but I am just the messenger—one whose year was also very disrupted by the Holy Spirit to write and deliver strong words of admonishment as a wake-up call to His men and church.  There are some much-needed words of encouragement as well.

But this gift is not yours to keep to yourself.  Read it, receive the messages God impresses on your heart, AND share it— first with your senior pastor, then men and women in leadership, and, finally, everyone in your  circle of friends who considers themselves a biblical Christian man or woman.  Let’s call that “re-purposing the gift”.

Look at it this way.  If you were sitting on the shore watching as your children decided to wade from the shallows into deeper water and you saw a giant wave heading toward them, wouldn’t you shout words of warning and jump in to rescue them?  Or like the little boy in the famous children’s story, if you saw your pastor, church leaders, husband, or father of your children parading around naked thinking all the while they were fully clad, wouldn’t you cry out to them or at least pull them aside to tell them the truth?

Some will say I am an alarmist with a message that is overstated.  The Lord disagrees, and so do all the statistics shared in this series.  Can you honestly look around in our nation today (beginning in the capital), and our churches, and still make that statement?  If you are not alarmed by what you see, then this was written for you.

The good news is there are biblical solutions to these issues. We can fix every one and turn the tables on Satan and our opposing culture.  But as Jesus pointed out, there first has to be recognition serious problems exist and stop denying them.

Here is the link to your free copy.

To God be the glory, great things He has done and will continue to do in His church through His people whose hearts are humble, contrite,  and open to repentance,

Messenger, Missionary, and Minister to Men

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